The 8th of March is recognized as International women’s Day all over the world to reflect the contribution of every single woman to society. The World has made a lot of advancements in every area, including technology, but still, no country has attained gender equality. International women’s day 2024 celebrates the expression ‘Each for equal’.
Beginning from its inception, the events to start such a celebration aligns with the order as follows. In 1908 women in the New York city has started fighting for better pay shorter hours and voting rights. They took it off to the streets that later became a cause for the famous women’s labor movement in the US. The very next year, under the socialist party of America, the world’s first National women’s day was celebrated on the 28th of February. During the international conference of working women in 1910 at Copenhagen, an idea to celebrate international women’s day to fight for women’s rights was put forward by a lady called Clara Zetkin. It was accepted by all the members from different countries who attended that conference. In 1977, the UN general assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for women’s rights and international peace followed by a theme every year.
There are different colors to signify a particular day. Purple is the color chosen to symbolize women while the combination of the colors green purple and white represents women’s equality. The logo for this special day features the symbol of venus which is also the symbol of being female.
This global celebration is a time to look back from the ancestral eras to the present that how far women have come and what still lacks for her to break the barriers around them to reach the zenith of the world. It is an opportunity to remember every single woman who had made our life on earth as such now raising us in our failures with her magical touch of love and care from cradle to grave.

It was originated back in 1908 from Women’s Social and Political Union which was located in the United Kingdom (UK). The color white is used for symbolizing purity but as a matter of fact, the color white is no longer considered to symbolize the word purity as because many things it is a controversial topic. The color Green symbolizes hope; purple represents women from all round view. There are two new combinations which represent two new concepts about feminism. One is purple with yellow which symbolizes contemporary progressive feminism and another is purple with green which symbolizes traditional norms of feminism. If anyone looks at the timeline then the International Women’s Day from the very beginning was celebrated by communist type countries and active socialists. Later in 1975, it was adopted by United Nations (UN) and now it is now widely celebrated all around the world.
Table of Contents
Women’s Day Quotes
Women are as powerful as the way they are. International Women’s Day is the day when the entire globe applauds their positivity and honor to each and every woman in the world. The world’s powerful women shared powerful Women’s Day Quotes with images to motivate others. Even some remarkable person marked their thought like William Shakespeare, Barak Obama, Stephen Hawking, Ban Ki-moon, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi and so on. The Nobel winner Malala Yousafzai said that it is possible that a girl can rebuild something that was destroyed by a man earlier. She remarks the possible power of a single girl’s heart that changes our world today.
The former American first lady Hillary Clinton said that women are free to live their lives and fulfill their dreams. They have that sole power in them to embarrass any barrier. The difference is, the powers of women usually remain hidden in their inner part. Eleanor Roosevelt compared women as the tea-bags. As the real power of a tea-bag doesn’t appear without hot water, likewise a girl’s power also doesn’t appear in the wrong place. They act in the right place. They have the powerful inner sole with the courage to build a strong foundation with some broken stones. The person like Mother Teresa did change the world and motivate rest of the women to follow her path to serve humanity. Women’s Day Quotes In English area popular source of inspiration for women across the globe with a reach across cultures, religions, ethnicity and different backgrounds. The use of women’s day quotes with images brings the emotion of the story closer to the reader than words could.
International Women’s Day Quotes
A charming woman doesn’t follow the crowd. She is herself. » Loretta Young
The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. » Roseanne Barr
A lot of guys think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent she is. I don’t think it works like that. I think it’s the opposite. I think the larger a woman’s breasts are, the less intelligent the men become. » Anita Wise
I really don’t think I need buns of steel. I’d be happy with buns of cinnamon. » Aristotle Onassis
The trouble with some women is they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.” » Cher
One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. » Simone de Beauvoir
In too many instances, the march to globalization has also meant the marginalization of women and girls. And that must change. » Hillary Clinton
One is not born a woman, one becomes one. » Simone de Beauvoir
The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world. » Charles Malik
By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacation-less class. » Anne Morrow Lindberg
Feminism is an entire world view or gestalt, not just a laundry list of women’s issues. » Charlotte Bunch
The sadness of the women’s movement is that they don’t allow the necessity of love. See, I don’t personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed. » Maya Angelou
If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. » Margaret Thatcher
A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty. » Rudyard Kipling
Extremists have shown what frightens them most: A girl with a BOOK. » Malala Yousafzai
Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. » Joseph Conrad
Because you are women, people will force their thinking on you, their boundaries on you. They will tell you how to dress, how to behave, who you can meet and where you can go. Don’t live in the shadows of people’s judgment. Make your own choices in the light of your own wisdom. »Amitabh Bachchan
A bird cannot fly with one wing only. Human space flight cannot develop any further without the active participation of women. »Valentina Tereshkova
Women’s Day Images
Each year on 8th March the whole world celebrate International Women’s Day. Likewise past this year also has a theme of Women’s Day. That was the unity and development of rural and urban. One of the best ways to support and honor women around the world is some strong feminine image. An inspiring image can work as a motivational quote can. One positive Women’s Day Images can change men thoughts. To support and motivate women’s day power, the image persons like photographer, artists, illustrators, cartoonist, and designer work very hard to create some extraordinary symbol to show their dignity towards ladies. We may find some masterpieces that supporting women through the art and image. The famous painters like Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci left their masterpieces that were painted based on beautiful yet powerful women soul.
Women are powerful and kind. On women’s day, millions of photographers took some extraordinary images of women celebrating the day of honor. Also, illustrators kept their fine touch and build some excellent feminine illustration to show the women courage. When thousands of quotes get used to inspire us, one meaningful image can change our whole thought to positivity. Happy Women’s Day Images tell the story that cannot be expressed in writing or in words. They bring the emotions that can only be elaborated through pictures. The smile of a woman is one such example.
Happy Women’s Day Images

Women’s Day Wishes
Women’s Day is the special day when people around the globe celebrate and step forward for women’s right and their powerful role in humanity. The different portion of the world holds different cultures and multitude. The celebration of a sole day merged with those differentiations. Men wish their women as their own way. People from every position share their best Women’s Day Wishes among women to express their appreciation and honor towards women. The way of sharing wishes are varied from person to person. Some of them say some fine words to wish women on this day. And some of them do some remarkable supporting thing as the symbol of wishing their power. Sons wish their mother, husbands wish their wife and daughters, male partner wish their female partner, teachers wish their female students, friends wish their friends on this day by sending greeting cards or texting some wishing words.
Many of them like to give some unique gift to their girl on this day to express their heartfelt wishes. This is the perfect day in the year when a man can show their care towards a girl. But overall these cards and wishing text and gift, most powerful wish can be showing the inner support and appreciation to women. Men should promise themselves not to treat their women bad anymore. That will be the best wish for women on this day. Women’s Day Wishes Images personify the different elements that women need to motivate and inspire them such as a wishing star or a strong smile of a woman they know and can relate to because of the struggles that woman has overcome.
Happy Women’s Day Wishes
If God did not create you, it won’t be a happy world after all. Happy Women’s Day!
If Roses were black and violets were brown, my love for you would never be found, but roses r red and violets are blue, all I want to say is Happy women’s day to you.
If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!
It’s you who are making the difference in so many lives…. And I am one of them…. Have a wonderful day!
Hope your day is sunshine and flowers with happy thoughts to fill the house. Happy Women’s Day!
I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a woman as loving, caring and wonderful as you. Happy Women’s Day!
I love you. No matter what we go through, no matter how much we argue because I know, at the end you’ll always be there for me. Happy Women’s Day!
When the world was created, you were also created to beautify it. You have done your work perfectly for all the world is smiling for you today.
Today, remember that all life spring from you. Look at the world and smile that without you, life would have been impossible. Enjoy your day to the fullest.
A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress and grows stronger with prayers & hope. Send this to a beautiful woman. I just did! Wishing you a very happy woman’s day!
A woman can make happiness bloom all around them! Happy Women’s Day!
Behind every successful man is a woman who is getting ahead of him! Three cheers to the woman of tomorrow! Happy Woman’s Day!
Every Home, Every Heart, Every Feeling, Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete without you, Only you can complete this world. Happy Women’s Day!
Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life… and today it is you! You are the best! Happy Women’s Day!
You are the fountain of life. You are a resilient river that travels a long distance, carrying everything on her shoulders but finally reaching her destination.
Feel special, unique, on top of the world.It’s your day!! Happy Women’s Day my girl
Happy Women’s Day! means more than flowers and gifts. It means saying thank you for everything. Happy Women’s Day!
Hi, Friend! Can’t believe how time flies with you! Happy Women’s Day to be my best friend!
Women’s Day Speech
International Women’s Day is the day of commemorating the women’s achievements in social, political and economic sectors. Every year on this day, everybody stand up to show their support, appreciation, esteem, affection and care towards women. In this day, many social institutes arrange the celebrating ceremony to show the support and give motivation. Especially some women’s day remarks are added to educational institutes to spread awareness. The famous leaders all around the world give their valuable speech to inspire women and increase the awareness of their empowerment. Speeches are the most suitable way to express the thoughts and importance of this day for every woman. Presidents and philosophers give their valuable speech in front the whole world remembering the remarkable contribution of girls. Every year on this day, people remember and honor the power of a woman. By giving strong speeches on women empowerment, it can possibly increase the courage and inspire the inner power to grow among women.
Speech On International Women’s Day
“First of all, I would like to say good day to all my mentors and colleagues. I want to say thank to my class teacher to give me this chance to speech in front of you at this great event. I would like to speech on women empowerment in India. As we met here to celebrate this moment, I chose this topic to again raise this issue of gender inequality in front of you. The government and other private institutions are helping women in leadership positions in the public sector. The leadership of women in the public sector is the key to growth in the nation. Representing women in the public sector is only a matter of justice however it needs to bring ahead all the perspectives to make of women empowerment effective. Women and men both have unique and different experiences, so both are necessary to bring influence into the decision making process. Equalising the rights of women and men in the society develops work quality and thus the economic status of the nation.
Women empowerment is the key to increase their participation in the decision-making which is the most prominent key to socio-economic growth. According to the data of research, it has been noted that empowering women acts as a potential which stimulates the economic growth and continues development. We should think about and need to discuss that how our cultural, traditional and social rules affect women leadership so that we all may break that. There is a social, cultural and home pressure on the women which acts as the main issue to the gender equality. There is lots of pressure over women by the parents, society and they forced to be the main caregiver and care taker of all family members. Such pressure in the society and home lowers down the career ambitions of women than men.
Women leadership is defined by the various social, cultural and political norms which need to be understood and addressed. First of all, we need to address all the social inequalities hindering women’s advancement to change women situation in the society as well as the nation. I would like to encourage my colleagues and friends gathered here to discuss this issue in their family and community to explore all the barriers restricting women advancement to enhance the women’s leadership in every area like men. Men too with women need to engage in all social and cultural norms to encourage combined participation as well as create the equitable environment in home, office and community.”
More Women’s Day Speech
Women’s Day Message
Every year on Women’s Day, some special Women’s Day Message is delivered from organizations like UN Women towards every woman in the world. Likewise sharing speeches, people and organizations share their positive messages to women, accepting and appreciating their contribution and power in society. Some worldwide feminine agency like UN declares some agenda to ensure complete equal women rights. Every year some presidential messages are also published by different nation’s government. The authority takes some step of developing women and shares the positive message to show the care and love towards female members. Nowadays we can notice that there are huge contributions of women on business, economy, politic, arts, sports, and technology.
Women are working hard side by side men and altogether they mark their significant efforts of developing the better worlds. But even after such awareness and positive movement, some domination still be existed there. The under-developing countries cannot deliver the equal right among women and women are suffering from major dominations. On the International Women’s Day, significant steps are taken by the authority and spread the positive messages throughout the worlds. The valuable messages and inspiring motives can change the perspective towards women. When one Malala can save a nation’s girls, then it is not hard to change the entire universe by positivity. A Powerful Women’s Day Message can be a catalyst of change to any woman for any background and empower her in ways no other message could do.
Happy Women’s Day Message
A woman is a blend of beauty and brains, who can put all things right! Happy Women’s Day!
You are one special woman and I want you to know how very important you are this Day. Happy Women’s Day!
you can get her love in all forms – mother, sister, granny, friend, wife!
You just smile and the world changes. What a wonderful creature you are!
Wish you a very happy women’s day…..It’s you who are making the difference in so many lives….and I am one of them….Have a wonderful day!
Wishing you a day as beautiful as you are! Happy Women’s Day!
To me, a woman is symptomatic of a number of feelings, listening to a patient, looking with love, swallowing the pain quietly, taking care of my dreams even when I am in sleep! Never lose the charm, keep it warm!!
This day is just to celebrate your existence! I wish you blossom like a beautiful rose whose charm never goes!! May you stand like a stone, firm enough, not to get hit by any adversity!
Women’s Day Poems
What would the world be without women – mothers, grandmothers, wives, daughters? Each of us owes them a lot. Therefore, on March 8, on Women’s Day, it is worth showing that we remember them. They will undoubtedly be happy with a small gift, but a poem will be a nice gesture. You can send a lovely poem through text or email. If you can not arrange beautiful Women’s Day Poems for the Day, we are in a hurry. Below you will find a couple of selected poems for Women’s Day 2024.
Women have written in many – poets, poetesses, writers – in different eras and with different connotations. There are many poems that have as their central theme the woman, her strength and fragility, the relationship with the opposite sex and with her own inner world. For the Women’s Day, here we have chosen the most beautiful and exciting Happy Women’s Day Poems.
Happy Women’s Day Poems
Song of Songs, Bible
How beautiful you are, my beloved, how beautiful you are!
Your eyes are doves,
behind your veil.
Your hair is like a flock of goats
that descend from Mount Gilead.
Your teeth like a flock of shorn sheep,
coming from the bathroom;
they all have twins,
none of them is childless.
As a purple ribbon your lips,
your mouth is full of charm;
as a slice of pomegranate, it is your temple
behind your veil.
You are all beautiful, my beloved,
and there is no fault in you.
Sonnet 18, William Shakespeare
Will I have to compare you to a summer day?
You are more lovable and temperate:
dear buds shaken by subversive wind
and the summer rent is soon consumed.
The eye of the sky is often too hot
and its face often darkens,
and the Bello al Bello is not always steady,
by chance or by course of nature.
But your eternal Summer will never vanish,
nor will you lose the Beauty you have now,
nor the Death of having you will boast
when in these eternal verses you will grow.
As long as man breathes or with an eye he will see, so
far lives Poetry that life gives to you.
Maria Teresa of Calcutta
Always keep in mind that the skin wrinkles,
the hair becomes white,
the days are transformed into years.
But what is important does not change;
your strength and your conviction have no age.
Your spirit is the glue of any spider’s web.
Behind each arrival line there is a starting line.
Behind every success there is another disappointment.
As long as you’re alive, feel alive.
If you miss what you were doing, go do it.
Do not live on yellowed photos …
you insist even if everyone expects you to leave.
Do not let the iron inside you rust.
Make sure that instead of compassion, they bring you respect.
When you can not run because of the years, walk fast.
When you can not walk fast, walk.
When you can not walk, use the stick.
But do not ever hold back!
Women’s Day Whatsapp Status
Women’s Day 2024 is on Friday, March 8. Do not forget about the Women’s Day Whatsapp Status. Do you have no idea? We suggest what status to submit on the occasion of Women’s Day. Are you looking for WhatsApp status for Women’s Day 2024? You do not have to look any further. Here you will find everything you need to please your ladies. We have prepared a selection of WhatsApp status for you for Women’s Day. Here you will see the best status for this women’s day.
The Women’s Day, although some detractors think it is an outdated occasion, out of step with the times, is a day that is honoured. Too many women suffer violence, harassment and discriminating attitudes in life and work and on March 8th is an opportunity to underline how each girl, in reality, is special and unique, each in her own way. For this reason, we wanted to collect the most exciting, fun and intense Happy Women’s Day WhatsApp Status to devote to your friends, a sister, your mother or to share on social networks.
Happy Women’s Day Whatsapp Status
The best medicine in the world is Ur Hug. Happy Women’s Day..!
Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity. Happy Woman’s Day.
Sending u wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women’s Day!
Wishing a very happy women’s day to the most amazing woman I know…
Sending u wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women’s Day
An excellent lady must hope to be more responsible for her steps, than one less alluring.
This Women’s Day just stand tall cos you are the most special woman of my life!!
Happy Women’s Day to the one who has stolen my heart! Happy Women’s Day 2024.
Wishing you a day filled with goodness and warmth. Wishing you happiness, today and forever. Happy Women’s Day!
Thank U for always being there. Happy Women’s Day..!
You can do almost anything your mind to…
You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak…
Be a doctor or fly a plane…
You can face adversity and still walk tall.
You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say!
Today is yours and so is every other day…
**Happy Women’s Day**
In Every Moment I Spend With
U, It Becomes Magic In My Life…
Thanks for Making
Our House the Loveliest
Place To Be In, On Planet Earth…
**Happy Women’s Day 2018**
I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a woman as loving, caring and wonderful as you.
!!Happy Women’s Day!!
All your love,
All your caring ways,
All your giving these years are the reasons why my heart thinks of you on Women’s Day!
With a wish for happiness and a world full of love
**Happy Women’s Day**
For all the times you’ve brought a smile and made my days seem brighter!
For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter!
For doing the caring things that make you a special friend of mine!
Your friendship is a joy.
I wish it never ends!
Happy Women’s Day!
This Women’s Day just stand tall cos you are the most special woman of my life!
The smarter the woman gets, the more difficult for her to find the right man! Happy Women’s Day
A beautiful woman must expect to be more accountable for her steps, than one less attractive.
Women’s Day 2024
There were several themes which were incorporated throughout the women’s day timeline. Some of the most well known themes which were incorporated by the United Nations for this day are mentioned as below as per timeline: 1996: cherishing the past done things and preparing oneself for the upcoming future 1997: women who raised their voice and standing against odds to achieve their victory 1998: proper rights deployment for women and to make sure that nothing remains partial 1999: this year one of the most important themes was prescribed by the United Nations that is violence free nation against women. There should be no violence towards any women. 2000: in this year women from all around the world united and joined their hands for promotion of peace around them 2001: proper dispersal of conflicts against women 2002: equal opportunities should be given and made open for all women all around the world
2003: equal development goal for both the genders; this theme also marks equal gender rights 2004: this year was the theme for women and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) 2005: this is also a remarkable theme which supported further gender rights for building a more better future for women’s all around the world 2006: this theme marked that all women’s should be given equal opportunities in decision making and nobody has the right to criticize them 2007: more strict laws against the violence caused to women’s and girls 2008: this year also shaped a better economy; it stated that now investing and venture firms must also invest upon start-ups ran by women 2009: in this year men and women both joined their hands together to end violence against women’s once and for all 2010: this year promoted equal right and equal opportunities for all women’s all around the world 2011: this year also highlighted one of the most eye-catching themes that are equal rights of education for all women all around the world
2012: this year marked to end hunger and poverty among rural women’s all around the world 2013: promise by the government to take better care against the violence towards women 2015: this theme indicated equal progress for all women based on talent not gender 2015: this year highlighted in empowering women from all around the world 2016: this year marked full gender rights by next decade 2017: empowered women to change the world as they view; in other words this year marked to support women with creative ideas from all around the world So, as a conclusion we can see that this very special day, that is, the International Women’s Day which is celebrated on 8th March every year all around the world really marks an important day as it promotes and supports equal gender rights and end violence against women from all around the world.